Love force is how my Tantra/Reiki Master and I
came to be ... I realized the need for a
spiritual evolution and inner harmony as I felt
emotionally unbalanced and restless after my
wife died. I wanted calm peaceful stress free
feelings and knew I had to cleanse myself of
negative energy & emotions and strive for
balance and spiritual peace. I needed to care
for myself first before I could ever contribute
to the higher good of all through my heart and
thoughts. My Master is guiding me on that
journey and to her, I extend reverence and
Like a newborn pony discovering the pasture, I
wanted all the herbage I could ingest. As the
pony soon discovers & so did I, the pasture is
too vast and the body needs to absorb and digest
as life intends. I am thankful for the insight
that my Master feels and for the guidance she
continues to give allowing me to discover and
receive Spiritually Guided Universal Life

Hey Kerr,
Just wanted to thank you again for an
incredible experience. I think I'm still
recouping. It was great to feel so relaxed. I
didn't want to have any expectations before I
came. You made me feel very comfortable in your
hands. I am going to have to make time to see
you again and explore this energy further, we've
been so busy lately. Thanks again, for the music
Talk soon Michael
Hi Lady Kerr,
I'd be happy to provide a testimonial:
"I highly recommend Lady Kerr. She's
intelligent/informed, personable, has style,
class, beauty and she helped me overcome
performance anxiety, (I have suffered from PA
all my life) without violating my strict
religious beliefs and did so in only four
I have seen five prior therapists, (three
surrogates, one psychiatrist and one sex
counselor for attempted resolutions prior.
Respectfully, Charles L.
Dear Kerr,
Again I am awestruck at the beauty and wonder
of your replies. Your life's journey is
fascinating to me, as is the love and reverence
that you write with. I am tempted to say that I
am smitten, yet it is both deeper and different
than merely that. Perhaps it is because I find
the subject matter compelling, and stimulating.
Your descriptions and depth of understanding
human nature and it's frailties, convince me of
sincerity of purpose. I begin to cheer for you
in my heart , (my romantic proclivity inherent),
and am hoping to see your joys fulfilled....
With that said, I must state that I am most
interested in YOU...
- I am interested in why you are so expressive
in seeking and using the forms of verse that you
do, to impart your reason and definitions.
- I wonder how you came to acquire (and retain)
the wisdom of your lessons in life so far. And I
think, MOST importantly:
- That you know what the golden truth of self
acceptance is, and the energy of your awareness,
makes that shine like the sun... from within
you, and shed this warming love upon others.
I perceive this as One Gentle Miracle. I envy
you, (as the moon does the sun), and cannot but
be inspired to reflect that light back at you,
but also outward for others to see and feel.
Thank you again, Kerr, for sharing your
beautiful thoughts and love with me. You have
inspired a new friend here. I hope you are
blessed and rewarded for this.
sincerely, Tom